Regression analysis studies the relationship between a \(p\)-dimensional covariable \(X=(X_1,\ldots,X_p)\) and a numerical response variable \(Y\). Three models are considered here:
with the following estimations (regression) methods available in the package:
), principal component regression (pcr
), partial least square regression (plsr
), ridge regression (ridge
) for parametric estimation,sir
) associated with kernel regression for semiparametric estimation,rf
) for non parametric estimation.The package modvarsel implements a computational methodology to choose among different regression methods the best one to predict the response variable \(Y\) with a selection of \(p' \leq p\) covariates strongly linked to \(Y\). Usually the procedure of covariates selection is specific to the statistical method used to estimate the chosen model. Stepwise regression or lasso regression for instance select covariates in a parametric linear regression model. Here we use a generic methodology (working with any regression method) that simultaneously selects the best regression method and the most interesting covariates.
The package implements two main functions:
implements an learning/test samples approach to determine which regression method (including covariates selection) is the most accurate.varimportance
computes for each variable a measure of importance by estimating the response variable with some perturbations of the covariates and computing the error due to these perturbations.The methodology applies to any regression dataset. It is illustrated here:
Data have been simulated from a linear regression model without intercept \(Y=X^T\beta+\varepsilon\) where \(X=(X_1,\ldots,X_p)\) the \(p\)-dimensional covariate, \(Y\) is the response variable and \(\varepsilon\) is the random error term. Here
The R dataset simus
(available in the package) contains \(n=200\) observations of the covariates and the response variable generated with this model. More precisely a matrix \(\textbf{X}\) of dimension \(200\times 15\) contains the observations of the covariates and a vector \(\textbf{Y}\) of size 200 contains the observations of the response variable.
X <- simus$X # matrix of covariates
Y <- simus$Y1 # response vector
The aim of the function choicemod
is to choose among several regression methods the best one to predict a response variable with an automatic selection of relevant covariates. In the package, the following regression methods are (for now) available:
).The user selects a subset of regression methods and compares the mean square error (MSE) of each method (including covariates selection) given by the funcion choicemod
. The function implements a computational learning/test approach to estimate the MSE values. The following procedure is repeats \(M\) times:
This procedure is replicated \(N\) times giving \(N\) values of test MSE for each regression method (with and without covariates selection). With this learning/test approach, models with different number of covariates can be compared, the one with the smaller test MSE being the best one. Parallel boxplots of test MSE (two boxplots per regression method) are then used to visually select the most relevant method.
Let us apply this procedure to compare multiple linear regression, sliced inverse regression and random forests regression to predict the response variable and select the five relevant covariates in the simulated regression dataset.
res <- choicemod(X, Y, method = c("linreg","sir","rf"), N = 50, nperm = 100)
# The computation time a bit long. So we use the results stored in the the dataset simus
res <- simus$res1
is an object of class choicemod
where results are stored in a list:
(resp. mse_all
) is the matrix of the test MSE for each replication (in row) and each regression method (in column) for the reduced models (resp. the complete models),sizemod
is the matrix with the number of covariates selected in the reduced model for each replication (in row) and each regresion method (in column),pvarsel
is the matrix with the occurrences (in percent) of selection of each covariates (in row) and each regression method (in column).head(res$mse) # test MSE of the reduced models (6 first iterations over 50)
## linreg sir rf
## 1 0.9491253 1.0728053 1.7220992
## 2 1.4489962 1.4775554 2.1127414
## 3 0.8262425 0.9335227 0.8906088
## 4 0.8241080 0.8743549 1.3355828
## 5 1.0966814 1.2867360 1.5966760
## 6 1.1407121 1.1670272 1.5703612
head(res$mse_all) # test MSE of the complete models (6 first iterations over 50)
## linreg_all sir_all rf_all
## 1 1.0009669 1.2017716 1.852430
## 2 1.4829048 1.5119091 2.273554
## 3 0.9274959 0.9848524 1.058876
## 4 0.8972986 0.9961270 1.367208
## 5 1.0982142 1.3259726 1.806408
## 6 1.1700504 1.1725220 1.744519
Let us now describe the methods boxplot
and barplot
defined for the objects of class choicemod
The parallel boxplots below are built with the MSE values obtained at each replication of the procedure implemented in choicemod (values in res$mse
) for the reduced models (with covariates selection). These boxplots show that for the simulated data, the parametric method linreg
and the semiparametric method sir
outperform the non parametric method rf
. This result is expected as the underlying simulation model is a parametric linear regression model.
## Rendering development documentation for 'boxplot.choicemod'
boxplot(res, type = "reduced", col = rgb(0,0,1,0.2),
ylab = "test MSE",
main = "Models with variables selection, N=50")
This result remains true when complete models are used (no covariates selection).
ylab = "test MSE",
main="Models without variables selection, N=50")
Moreover we can see below that both linreg
and sir
are slighly better with covariate selection (two left boxplots) than without (two right boxplots). The selection of variables seems to improve here the mean square error of the two regression methods.
boxplot(res, method = c("linreg", "sir"),
type = "both", ylab = "test MSE",
col = rgb(0,1,0,0.2), las = 2,
main = "N = 50 replications")
The barplot below is built with the occurences (in percent) of selection of each covariates with the regression method linreg
(values in the first column of res$pvarsel
). This barplot shows that the proportion of selection of the 5 covariates \(X_1,\ldots,X_5\) is equal to 1. It means that these variables have been been selected at each replication.
## Rendering development documentation for 'barplot.choicemod'
barplot(res, method = "linreg", type = "varsel", las = 2,
main = "linreg", col = rgb(1,1,0,0.2))
The next barplot is built with the occurences (in percent) of the number of variables selected with the linreg
method (values in the first column of res$sizemod
). This barplot shows that a reduced model of size 5 has been selected more than 40 times (over \(M=50\) replications).
barplot(res, method = "linreg", type = "sizemod", las = 2,
main = "linreg", col = rgb(0,1,1,0.2))
To sum-up the five first covariates are important to predict the response variable and the other covariates are almost never selected. This result is expected because we know from the simulation scheme that the first five variables \(X_1,\ldots,X_5\) are linked with \(Y\).
The next barplots are obtained with the sir
method. They show that sir
selects more irrelevant variables (not linked with \(Y\)) than linreg
barplot(res, method="sir", type="varsel", las = 2,
main = "sir", col = rgb(1,1,0,0.2))
barplot(res, method = "sir", type = "sizemod", las = 2,
main = "sir", col = rgb(0,1,1,0.2))
Finally the most appropriate model seems to be the parametric linear regression model (as expected).
The function varimportance
computes for a given regression method (linreg
, pcr
, plsr
, ridge
, sir
, rf
) the importance of the \(p\) covariates. Let us describe the general procedure. Let \(S={(x_i,y_i ),i=1,…,n}\), be a sample of \(n\) observations of the covariate \(X\) and the response variable \(Y\). The variable importance (\(VI\)) of a covariate \(X_j\) is calculated as follows: \[ VI_j=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\hat{y_i}^{(j)})^2,\] where \(\hat{y_i}^{(j)}\) is the prediction of the response variable when the observations of the \(j\)th covariate are randomly permuted in the sample \(S\). If a covariate \(X_j\) is important, the random permutation of its observations will affect the prediction of \(Y\) and increase the error in \(VI_j\). Covariates with higher \(VI\) are then more important to predict the response variable. This procedure is replicated \(nperm\) times (\(nperm\) random permutations) giving \(nperm\) values of \(VI\) for each covariate.
Let us apply this procedure with the regression method linreg
and \(nperm=100\) replications to perform the importance of the \(p=15\) covariates of the simulated dataset.
imp <- varimportance(X, Y, method = "linreg", nperm = 100)
is an object of class varimportance
where results are stored in a list:
is the matrix of the \(VI\) values for each replication (in row) and each covariate (un column).base_imp
is the original mean square error.imp$mat_imp[1:5,] # VI for the 5 first replications (over 100)
## X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
## [1,] 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.94 0.97 0.95 0.97 0.92
## [2,] 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.95
## [3,] 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97
## [4,] 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.97
## [5,] 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.96 0.97 0.92 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.96
colMeans(imp$mat_imp) # mean VI of the 15 covariates
## X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
## 1.48 1.41 1.38 1.34 1.12 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97 0.96
imp$base_imp #original MSE taken as baseline
## [1] 0.96
The first 5 variables \(X_1,\ldots,X_5\) have the highest mean \(VI\) and are the only one with significantly greater \(VI\) than the baseline MSE.
Let us now describe the methods plot
and select
defined for the objects of class varimportance
The plot
method provides two graphical representation: the parallel boxplots of the \(VI\) of the covariates and the plot of the mean \(VI\) of the covariates.
The parallel boxplots below are built with the \(nperm=100\) measures of \(VI\) of the \(p=15\) covariates of the simulated dataset. The values availables in imp$mat_imp
## Rendering development documentation for 'plot.varimportance'
plot(imp, choice = "boxplot", col = "lightgreen",
main = "linreg method and nperm=100 permutations")
The horizontal red line represents the original MSE (given in imp$vase_imp
). The five variables \(X_1,\ldots,X_5\) are obviously the only covariates clearly above this red line.
The plot of the mean \(VI\) of the covariates is given below.
plot(imp, choice = "meanplot",
main = "mean of nperm=100 permutations")
It is possible to visualize the same plot (the mean \(VI\)) with the variables ordered by decreasing order of importance and with a vertical green line indicating a single change point position (in mean and variance).
plot(imp, choice = "meanplot", order = TRUE, cutoff = TRUE,
main = "ordered mean VI")
The change point criterion (green line) selects the same 5 variables.
The method select
chooses automaticaly \(p' \leq p\) covariates relevant to predict the response variable \(Y\). By default a change point criterion is used to define a cutoff value (green line on the plot above) and the covariates with mean \(VI\) above this cutoff value are selected.
## Rendering development documentation for 'select.varimportance'
select(imp, cutoff=TRUE) # by default
## $var
## [1] "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" "X5"
## $indices
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
In that case the number of selected covariates is not controled. It is also possible to choose the number of covariates to select rather than using the changepoint cutoff value. For instance above the 7 covariates with the highest mean \(VI\) are selected.
select(imp, cutoff=FALSE, nbsel=7)
## $var
## [1] "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" "X5" "X13" "X9"
## $indices
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 13 9
Once a regression method is chosen, the user may want to predict new data. We provide here some R code
, sir
or rf
for instance),The dataset simus
contains a matrix of 10 new observations.
Xnew <- simus$Xnew
We want now to predict the response variable for these 10 new observations. We suppose that the five first covariates have been selected whatever the regression method.
#sel <- select(imp, cutoff=TRUE)$indices
sel <- 1:5
# matrices with the selected covariates
X <- X[, sel]
Xnew <- Xnew[, sel]
The parametric linear regression model is estimated here by multiple linear regression.
#estimate the linear model
m1 <- lm(Y~.,data = data.frame(X))
Ypred <- predict(m1,newdata = data.frame(X))
plot(Y,Ypred, main = "linreg")
newpred1 <- predict(m1,newdata = data.frame(Xnew))
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 0.21 0.43 -1.02 1.82 1.51 1.15 -2.54 -0.86 0.40 -0.76
The single index semiparamtric model is estimated in two steps:
The bandwidth for the kernel regression is tuned by LOO cross-validation.
# estimate beta
beta <- edrGraphicalTools::edr(Y, X,
H = 10, K = 1,
method = "SIR-I")$matEDR[, 1, drop = FALSE]
index <- X %*% beta
# tune the bandwidth
hopt <- cv_bandwidth(index, Y, graph.CV = FALSE)$hopt
Ypred <-ksmooth(index, Y, kernel = "normal",
bandwidth = hopt, x.points = index)$y[rank(index)]
plot(Y,Ypred, main = "sir+kernel")
indexnew <- Xnew%*%beta
newpred2 <- ksmooth(index, Y, kernel = "normal",
bandwidth = hopt,
x.points = indexnew)$y[rank(indexnew)]
## [1] 0.22 0.42 -0.88 1.64 1.31 1.08 -2.15 -0.64 0.34 -0.59
The nonparametric model is estimated with random regression forests. The number of variables randomly sampled as candidates at each split is tuned with respect to Out-of-Baf error estimate.
#tune mtry
bestmtry <-randomForest::tuneRF(X, Y, trace = FALSE, plot =FALSE)
## Warning in rfout$mse/(var(y) * (n - 1)/n): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## Warning in rfout$mse/(var(y) * (n - 1)/n): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## 0.065 0.05
## Warning in rfout$mse/(var(y) * (n - 1)/n): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## 0.06 0.05
## Warning in rfout$mse/(var(y) * (n - 1)/n): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
## -0.022 0.05
#build the forest
m3 <- randomForest::randomForest(X, Y, mtry = bestmtry)
## Warning in rfout$mse/(var(y) * (n - 1)/n): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
## Use c() or as.vector() instead.
Ypred <- predict(m3, newdata = X, type = "response")
plot(Y, Ypred, main = "random forest")
We observe a strong overfitting here.
newpred3 <- predict(m3, newdata = Xnew, type = "response")
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## -0.321 0.184 -0.531 0.912 0.696 1.000 -1.528 -0.456 0.120 -0.015
matplot(cbind(newpred1,newpred2,newpred3), ylab = "predictions",
xlab = "new observations", cex=0.8)
legend("bottomleft", inset = 0.01, legend = c("linreg","sir","rf"), col = c(1:3),
pch = c("1","2","3"), cex=0.8)
The linear regression model is estimated by principal component regression. the number of principal components. The number of principal components is tuned using 10-fold cross validation and a change point detection (in mean and variance) method.
# tune the number of components
m4 <- pls::pcr(Y~., data =,
validation="CV", scale=FALSE)
n <- nrow(X)
mse_cv <- m4$validation$PRESS/n
ncomp <- find.cpt(mse_cv)
Ypred <- predict(m4, newdata=X)[ , , ncomp]
plot(Y,Ypred, main = "pcr")
newpred4 <- predict(m4, newdata=Xnew)[ , , ncomp]
## [1] -1.16 -0.27 -1.01 0.70 0.89 0.23 -1.81 -0.69 0.44 -0.64
The linear regression model is estimated by partial least squares regression (PLS). The number of PLS components is tuned using 10-fold cross validation and a change point detection (in mean and variance) method.
# tune the number of PLS components
m5 <- pls::plsr(Y~., data =,
validation="CV", scale=FALSE)
n <- nrow(X)
mse_cv <- m5$validation$PRESS/n
ncomp <- find.cpt(mse_cv)
Ypred <- predict(m5, newdata=X)[ , , ncomp]
plot(Y,Ypred, main = "plsr")
newpred5 <- predict(m4, newdata=Xnew)[ , , ncomp]
## [1] -0.84 -0.19 0.66 0.52 0.99 0.30 -1.36 -1.16 0.17 0.36
The linear regression model is estimated by ridge regression. The regularization parameter \(\lambda\) is tuned using 10-fold cross validation.
# tune the regularization parameter
m6 <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X, Y,
family = "gaussian", alpha=0, standardize = FALSE,
nfolds = 10, grouped=FALSE)
Ypred <- predict(m6, X, s = "lambda.min")
plot(Y,Ypred, main = "ridge")
newpred5 <- predict(m6, Xnew, s = "lambda.min")
## 1
## [1,] 0.091
## [2,] 0.310
## [3,] -0.724
## [4,] 1.401
## [5,] 1.199
## [6,] 0.893
## [7,] -1.959
## [8,] -0.693
## [9,] 0.347
## [10,] -0.529
We will now apply the same methodology (choice of a regression method including variables selection) with a real dataset. This dataset describes 71 young bulls on 21 muscular biomarkers and a numerical variable measuring meat tenderness. The data have been obtained on animals coming from the EU FP6 Integrated Project ProSafeBeef (FOODCT-2006-36241).The aim here is to select among the 21 muscular biomarkers, the most predictive of the toughness of the meat.
) is the warner-bratzler shear force measured on m. Semitendinosus (raw meat cooked at 55°C). It measures the toughness of the meat.The 21 biomarkers are listed here:
), -II (myhcII
) and -IIx (myhcIIx
).The R dataset psbst
(available in the package) contains the data frame psbst$dat` with the description of the 71 bulls on the 21 biomarkers and the meat tenderness response variable.
X <- psbst$dat[,-22] # matrix of covariates (biomarkers)
Y <- psbst$dat$WB55a14J # response variable (meat tenderness)
Let us first use the function choicemod
to compare multiple linear regression, sliced inverse regression and random forest regression.
res <- choicemod(X, Y, method = c("linreg", "sir", "rf"),
N=50, nperm = 100)
# The computation time a bit long. So we use the results stored in the the dataset psbst
res <- psbst$res
boxplot(res, type = "both",
main = "N = 50 replications",
ylab = "test MSE", ylim=c(0,200),
col = rgb(0,1,0,0.2), las = 2,)
The regression methods perform as well with covariates selection than without (three left boxplots compared to the three boxplots on the right) and no regression method seems to outperform clearly. Let us see if the three regression methods
regression methodbarplot(res, method = "linreg", type = "varsel",
main = "linreg", las = 2, col = rgb(1,1,0,0.2))
barplot(res, method = "linreg", type = "sizemod",
main = "linreg", las = 2, col = rgb(0,1,1,0.2))
regression methodbarplot(res, method = "sir", type = "varsel",
main = "sir", las = 2, col = rgb(1,1,0,0.2))
barplot(res, method = "sir", type = "sizemod",
main = "sir", las = 2, col = rgb(0,1,1,0.2))
regression methodbarplot(res, method = "rf", type = "varsel",
main = "rf", las = 2, col = rgb(1,1,0,0.2))
barplot(res, method = "rf", type = "sizemod",
main = "rf", las = 2, col = rgb(0,1,1,0.2))
To conclude the linreg
method seems to be, for this dataset, a reasonable choice. The predictive quality of linreg
is very comparable to that of sir
and rf
(see the parallel boxplots above) and the size of the reduced models are smaller (less biomarkers as covariates) (see the barplots above).
The \(VI\) of the 21 biomarkers are calculated with the varimportance
function and the linreg
regression method.
imp1 <- varimportance(X,Y,method="linreg",nperm=200)
# The computation time a bit long. So we use the results stored in the the dataset psbst
imp1 <- psbst$imp1
The boxplot of the \(VI\) values show that 10 biomarkers (green boxplot) are above the red line (the original baseline MSE).
colsel <- rep("white", 21)
colsel[c(2:8,12,17,20)] <- "lightgreen"
plot(imp1, choice = "boxplot",
main = "linreg", col = colsel)
The plot of the ordered mean \(VI\) values shows that the cutoff value defined by detecting a single change point position (in mean and variance) (the horizontal green line) selects 2 more biomarkers.
plot(imp1, choice = "meanplot",
order = TRUE, cutoff = TRUE, main="linreg")